Adalaj ni Vav is located in Adalaj village in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Talking about distance, the stepwell is located 3 kilometers from Ahmedabad and 5 kilometers from Gandhinagar. Buses, autos and private taxis will also be easily available from Geeta Mandir bus stop, Kalupur railway station, and Ahmedabad airport.
Adalaj ni vav, vav means step well, it is also known as Roodabai ni vav too. The visiting time of Adalaj’s Vav is from 8:15 am to 6:00 pm. Ambe Mother’s temple is also present near the entrance of the Adalaj step well.
Water shortage has already been felt in Gujarat. And to meet this water shortage at that time, the king had built this step well for the people. It is said that Rana Veer Singh, the Hindu ruler of the Vaghela dynasty, ruled this place in the 15th century. Due to lack of water, the king thought of making step well and started the work. But before the work was over, Muslim ruler Mohammad Begda invaded the Dandai country in which Rana Singh died. Ranveer Singh’s beautiful wife was Rani RoopBa, i.e. Roodabai, who Mohammad Begda liked very much.
And he proposed the queen for their marriage. The queen made a condition that if she finishes the unfinished work of this step well, then she will marry him. Mohammed Begda made step well as per her condition and later the queen jumped into this stepwell and gave her life. But before that, she had told a saint that after my death, you should bathe in this well so that the water becomes pure again.
In this way, it was a sad end to the story of Adalaj ni Vav. The most attractive thing in Adalaj’s Vav is it’s window. Any tourist or visitor coming here would not resist the temptation of capturing a picture sitting on this window. This place and its architecture is so beautiful that people come here to see it, or for pre wedding photoshoots, professional photo shoots, and professional video shoots.
Foreign tourist’s attraction is increasing day by day here. Apart from the main entrance, all four floors are closed here. If you have to shoot on this four-floor restructured area, then you have to take permission. Adalaj step well is made of complete sandstone. The work on sandstone is closely done in Solanki architecture style.
Adalaj Step Well is made of 5 floors. Earlier these five floors were kept open for visitors. But now the entire storey has been closed except for the main entrance. Now you can see only the view from bottom to top and thus can not see the whole floor closely. However, if you are thinking or planning of visiting Ahmedabad or around, then definitely come to see Adalaj ni Vav. You will absolutely love it.